While it is possible to pursue compensation for a building collapse case on your own, it may reduce the likelihood of reaching a successful resolution. Building collapses are incredibly complex cases that often require a thorough investigation to help determine the parties at fault. An experienced law firm has the resources to identify the potentially liable parties and secure fair compensation on your behalf.

What Does a Building Collapse Investigation Entail?

When a building collapses, it may be due to a variety of reasons. A few common causes of a building collapse include:

  • Engineering problems
  • Faulty construction
  • Weak foundation
  • Corrosion

A building collapse attorney can consult engineering experts, inspection reports, camera footage, photos, and witness statements to assess the root cause of the structural failure. Once this is identified, they will investigate whether or not any other parties contributed to the problem.

Potentially liable parties may include:

  • Condo associations
  • Property owners
  • Construction companies and contractors
  • Architecture firms
  • Material manufacturers

If another party failed to take reasonable measures to ensure the safety of building occupants and others, they may be held financially accountable for any losses that occurred as a result of their actions. During an investigation, an established law firm can gather evidence showing how the potentially liable parties contributed to the collapse and how the collapse ultimately resulted in your injuries.

How Can an Attorney Help Secure Compensation for My Building Collapse Case?

If your family has been affected by a building collapse, the last thing you need to worry about is negotiating with insurers to secure fair compensation for your losses. A lawyer can handle all communication with the insurance companies and relevant parties on your behalf. They will also handle all aspects of filing your claim and/or lawsuit so you can focus on your family and your recovery.

If you receive a settlement offer, it is purely that: an offer. It does not mean that you have to accept it, especially if it is too low. With help from The Ferraro Law Firm, our lawyers will help you fight back against low offers and negotiate for compensation that reflects the true nature of your losses.

Our lawyers know the tactics insurance companies sometimes use to undervalue claims, and they have the skills to defeat them. Without this legal experience on your side, there is a chance you may obtain significantly less money for your injuries than what you may be entitled to.

The Ferraro Law Firm Is Here to Help After a Building Collapse

If you or a loved one were injured in a building collapse, The Ferraro Law Firm can help you pursue justice. For more than 30 years we have stood up against some of the largest corporations in the country to help our clients find answers and closure during the most difficult moments in their life. We are ready to do the same for you.

Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more. It costs nothing unless we win your case.