When the time presents itself and you are in need of the services of an attorney it is undeniably one of the most stressful times of your life. Everthing hinges on obtaining the best law firm available .Mr. Marc P. Kunen, and the Ferraro Law firm came highly recommended as the premier counsel for my legal needs. We were introduced to his associate Mr. Jose L. Becerra and his Paralegal Ms. Antonella Vera. They functioned as a well -oiled unit Each one had designated integral roles, yet it was apparent that each role was inherently interconnected to the other. The trial itself magnified the efficiency, talents, and skills of Mr. Kunen. He effortlessly kept command of the direction and focus of the proceedings. Marc was never intimidated by sheer size, or track record of the opposition, nor would he permit us to feel “outgunned”. The actions of Mr. Kunen and his team made it abundantly clear that they had done their homework, put in the mileage, and uncovered the facts. We continue to be in constant communication with our “Dream Team”. It is my sincere hope that you never find yourself in need of an attorney, however “reality “ often overshadows “hope”! If you find yourself facing this harsh reality, Mr. Marc P. Kunen and the Ferraro Law Firm is who you should be contacting. They are after all your wisest choice.